August Is Hot!
If you want to read a litte secret, I just turned 40. That´s so not me! :)
I requested this picture as Picture Of The Day, at RANet. Too old to be ashamed.
Looking relaxed, radiant, a start of a surprised... smile?
Not a face I´ve seen before very much.. so keep practising Mr. A! :)
The Beard
RA with The Beard radiates: "It´s so not me!". Love that attitude! Harmless that is. The Beard raised a few hairs among some sections of the RA blog population. It seems The Beard will stay put for 18 months (I mean 8 months). Time enough for RA to get into touch with wielding swords, playing harps and wearing braids - huh? - for the two-part The Hobbit (working title used to be: The Hurdle).
Bringing the GRRRR... in Hobbit rehearsals
You in affective voice, imitating Gandalf: "The braids you say?"
It was my silent wish to see RA with braids in beard and hair, uttered here in my top 3 post:
The Hobbit: Exciting And Dynamic Casting
The Hobbit: Exciting And Dynamic Casting
You as Gandalf: "Why?"
Because I would never thought RA would do it, if requested to do so!
You as Gandalf: "So not me!"
Why am I into following the deliciously captured nonsense around one man, who does extensive studies to act as somebody else? It´s so not me to talk about the teases I had to endure in my days.
RA said: "I believe in the kind of acting where you make somebody else act. (..) I think I can make another actor act better, and hopefully someone else can make me produce something that I´ve never produced before."
Read: the ´no-actor-is-an-island-approach´ remarks in The Scotsman interview.
Two examples to stress the new.. think away the kissing...try again.. no kissing in The Hobbit, mind.
Curiously giving.. in Spooks ep. 9.3
Receptively receiving.. in Spooks ep. 9.4
Getting his inspiration from scratch, good acting, a novel, a context given by the writer.
His serious approach to sustain a solid performance is endearing.
That´s why whoever succesfully teases him to shift mood, position, rythm, energy got my praise!
Why am I every time surprised when he decides to shift the scene even more?
Based on gut feeling, probably lured, I always thought his acting technique was something like this:
"You promised to give me some clues on acting."
"I work this scene and you react."
Teased by life´s happy little accidents, it´s so not me to say:
His serious approach to sustain a solid performance is endearing.
That´s why whoever succesfully teases him to shift mood, position, rythm, energy got my praise!
Why am I every time surprised when he decides to shift the scene even more?
Based on gut feeling, probably lured, I always thought his acting technique was something like this:
"You promised to give me some clues on acting."
"I work this scene and you react."
Teased by life´s happy little accidents, it´s so not me to say:
"Au contraire!" :)
Visual evidence found in the Galeries of RANet and RACentral

Congratulations on turning 40! I wish I could say the same --I am a decade ahead of you.
That article was very interesting. I like what he said about his acting style. I agree he is definitely "a giver".
He has mentioned before about how Sinead Cusack (who played his mother in N&S)inspired him to a greater performance. I do think that is one of his best scenes!
He also mentioned Nicole Kidman in that article as having one of her best performances ever in a small scene with a young actor on a park bench in The Rabbit Hole. I am not a fan of Miss Kidman, but I can see what he means as I just saw the movie.
He is so very perceptive!
Thanks Phylly!
Yes, he is very perceptive and a real giver in acting. I have to say, that by ´new´I meant I saw little nuances been put in the scene. Of course he was always curious as what the other actor would do next, to anticipate the next step, and even go beyond expectations. The same goes for receiving, always flexible to divert the own path and be receptive. It´s just that in the scenes I mentioned this really is shown in his face and not just in his brain.
The mother scenes in N&S are easily to recall, I can even hear her voice when I do so. Love these scenes!
Can´t wait to see The Rabbit Hole now too! the brain.. I mean.. more likely in the eyes.. although he does show it sometimes in the face... oh help! :)
Happy Birthday Violet! We are both 1971 babies then! I turn 40 later this year. I hope it will be a great decade for you! Wishing you all the best.
And thanks for that lovely picture of him receiving a kiss from Maya/Laila... that was most inviting and tantalizing!
Thanks Calexora, for your best wishes!
Ahh the kiss! Actually this post was sooo not about the kiss, yet sooo teasing of me to put it in! :)
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