** "Offbeat hilarious!" ** "RA tingles & laughs" ** "True to the characters! " ** "The fiction is great. Keep it up!" **

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Hobbit Fan Event And Creatives


Violet said...

Bccmee asked me to collaboRAte with her and find her a quote from RA. The first one that popped in my head was the line ´We just take a crap, and then go´ (from the recently leaked Extended Edition clips). Coincidentally, in the hobbit fan event with selected fan question ´What´s your favourite line from The Hobbit?´ he called it his (paraphrased) ´off-camera best line´. As this was the rough version, I worried that I had better find a more decent quote. Turned out Mr A chastened the same quote in HFE! My remark about losing my reputation has nothing to do with my collaboRAtion with her.
Got another quote-inspiration for this clip: ´Close your Eyes´, but it´s a bit late for that?! http://bccmee.tumblr.com/post/65703896806/the-second-in-a-series-of-if-thorin-oakenshield

Violet said...

Was thinking long and hard about jotting RA-related, because last year May I think, I saw an interview with RA, Peter Jackson and some others of which the blogger/interviewer made some sketches/jottings of them, instead of photos, because that was not allowed. I liked the idea to use a cartoon more often for my blog, so excuse my drawing skills. Have to confess that when I was about 15 years old, I had a littre trade in portrait drawing on school, which started with drawing George Michael from picture and ended with favourites of school mates (boyfriends, mothers, themselves, other artists). Nowadays my drawing skills are wooden.

Violet said...

In this cartoon, I subconciously made Orlando look like the reconstruction buste of Richard III. That is what I saw when I finished my cartoon. Got the association that he would be great as a younger R3 in the Battle of Bosworth movie (Blood Royal?/Royal Blood?) which I mentioned in an earlier post ´August Is Hot: Proud Moments´. Recently I came to know the Dutch have 20 million euro´s for foreign filmmakers to film in NL. Money and Moviestar that´s what I, brownnoser, want to say with this.

Violet said...

Hobbit Fan Event. I made some comments on RAFrenzy´s blog. I maybe better leave them there.

Violet said...

Re. the cartoon. I put the spotlight on RA to get the attention to him (solution to: didn´t get Orlando´s hairstyle right). Orlando is already the moviestar, but both got equal online airtime from ´boss´ Peter Jackson.
The room was full of love, yet I didn´t made the drawing full of pink/red hearts. (could be alternative drawing).
Don´t forget, my gut feeling says the Dwarfmovie, ladies and gentlemen! Yes, but I like the whole ensemble, so can´t wait for the new characters, because The Hobbit book and The Hobbit movie are entirely different entities and I can live with them, as a bit of a ´Tolkien purist´ myself. Only wished that the PR machine mentioned that PJ didn´t quite get permission from the Tolkien legacy to quote the book(s), but was bound to work around it, in the geist of Tolkien, to create similar scenes. It would make all communications even more fair and more transparant.

Violet said...

RE. spotlight: RA bloggers who where there, confessed to have stared at RA, non-stop!

Violet said...

Alternative text for Orlando: ´Man, you´ve lost your inner dwarf!´

Violet said...

Think Orlando could be casted as good friend or heroic battle companion of R3 (still am of the opinion that RA should play R3 despite what I had brainstormed here before).