"The pellet with the poizzon izz in the flagon with the dragon,
the fazzle with the pazzle has the brew that izz true..."
As the cameras are rolling for The Hobbit, one evening I was entertained by The Court Jester (1956) with Danny Kaye, who was fantastic in his comical expression and timing. It´s a film I´ve seen many times. One of the greatest scenes is the one of the mishaps of words in a lifesaving riddle.
Word twister scene Can you remember the riddle?
Word twister scene in full The whole scene where his concentration is also challenged by the electrically charged armour, which causes magnetism with his opponent´s armour.
Transcript of The Court Jester, see Contents: ´pellet of poison´
In this film there is -of course- a case of a mistaken identity, just as in Hitchcock´s North by Northwest, read here what´s it all about.
It is a case of blasphemy to put up screencaps of Gisborne here in connection with The Hobbit film or to compare The Court Jester as it's comical and The Hobbit is more fantasy, but it has two reasons. Firstly, through that scene in The Court Jester I was reminded of the drink-scene in the 2006´s tv-series Robin Hood, episode 3.8, in which Gisborne´s sister does 'poison' him with a sedative. Secondly, I propose a toast to The Hobbit and RA´s part. May they be just as entertaining to the young and old as The Court Jester was to me. It´s hard to put that feeling into words. I can try by saying it gives a feeling of an enthousiastic joyride by being entertained by experienced actors and filmcrew, who want to share the goal of telling a (un)believable and entertaining story as part of a common quest, to be still memorable after many years. I have seen the three Lord of the Ring films and I salute anyone who is aware of the unique opportunity they´re in: ´There´s really a sense of (director) Peter (Jackson) wanting people around him who totally understand the material and the work ethic´, Andy Serkis who plays Gollum on also becoming a second unit director for The Hobbit.
And it´s gonna be filmed in 3D....
This implies no blurring in motion. Say cheese, fanvidders!
And if you´re a real Hobbit Nerd like me,
read here: James Cameron of The Avator says it too.
"Everyone who saw the first parade of
2 Thorin Oakenshields plus 24 assorted dwarves
was mightily impressed!"
Ian McKellen on his site
So.. Cheers!
"Wazzin my drrink?"
Scrreenncaappzzz by RACentral
ROTFLOL!! I'm behind. I'm catching up. Again. Seriously falling out of desk chair. Love the last caption. These folks needf to work on their family relationships huh?
Hi NovemberBride! Nice to know you're coming out of the woodwork and post a comment here! I am glad you find my blog funny!
These folks have some family issues! It was his idea she had to marry very young to raise the family profile and it happened without her consent (if I remember rightly).
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