** "Offbeat hilarious!" ** "RA tingles & laughs" ** "True to the characters! " ** "The fiction is great. Keep it up!" **

Monday, October 17, 2011

Quiet Dwarves, Hobbit Fans: Take 2, Position 1

"Again, don´t tell everyone about our route."

Filming on The Hobbit has started for the second sequence in a row,
so what´s up? (using crew lingo)
Take 1.
It´s all gone very quiet around the Dwarves. The hobbit must have got something to do with that. The hunger forced the hobbit to quarrel with Thorin Oakenshield about the Dwarves´ food supply. Was it at first rather innocent, making remarks about the Dwarfleader´s musical qualities, now the hobbit opted to go radical and climb in the nearest tree. The Dwarfleader snarled at Bilbo to get out of the tree at once, but the hobbit wouldn´t budge. After it had hit him he wouldn´t get his daily two breakfasts, he finally climbed down. The Dwarves found him a moaner and grunted for taking him along. In the end, they traveled long tracks very silently together.

PJ gives RA instructions on tossing the sword Orcrist

Take 2.
It´s all gone very quiet around the Dwarves. The Hobbit must have got something to do with that. The media hunger forced The Hobbit to quarrel with the Dwarfleader about the fans´ news supply. Was it at first rather innocent, making remarks about the Dwarfleader´s aging qualities, now The Hobbit opted to go radical and climb in the nearest confidentiality agreement. The Dwarfleader snarled at The Hobbit to get rid of the confidentiality agreements at once, but The Hobbit wouldn´t budge. After it had hit the fans they wouldn´t get their daily news, they finally stepped down. The fans found The Hobbit a moaner and grunted for taking it seriously. In the end, they traveled long tracks very silently together.

Take 2 was rejected at the editing table, for one thing: it wasn´t a truthful representation. It is fantasy!

Position 1.
If there are any Hobbit fans out there who feel they are bereft of a constant stream of Hobbit´ facts, observations and opinions by insiders, because of the confidentiality agreements signed by cast, crew or even visitors, then assume: cast and crew are at work!

So, when can the Hobbit fans climb down the tree for the next Video Blog?

 The next Video Blog may be imminent, according to a close source, date: 27th October.
Or not, as the revelation was later removed.
At least an embedded blogger is installed on the set of The Hobbit, reporting biweekly,
following the crew going to several locations in the next 7 weeks, date: 27th October.
Follow @EricVespe on Twitter and read ´Quint´ on aintitcool.com

Screencaps: RACentral/ The Hobbit Video Blog 3, 21 July 2011